Thursday, November 22, 2007

I Love the Colts, Not the Patriots... Or Brady... At All

I enjoy embedding videos and pictures into my posts, so I'm going to do some more. While I enjoy doing those things, I enjoy watching my Colts win more. Now when I say "watch," I mean look at a play-by-play on and wait for each play to be blurbed into a single sentence so I can know what happened. This was my Thanksgiving Day football game:

So right now, as you can see from the picture, the score is 31-13 with the Colts in the lead, and I'm knocking on wood and saying my Thanksgived's for the game. Now to the business at hand.

I wanted to apologize to my readers for any confusion that I may have caused with my last post. I seem to have been in a rather odd mood the other night when I wrote my little post about Brady having a good season, and I realize after reading through it, that I kind of sound like I like Tom Brady. Well.... I don't. So to clear up any confusion, Peyton is the essence of class, as are the Colts, and Brady is a superstar through and through and acts like one. If Randy Moss had come to the Patriots during his first few years in the league, I would blame it on him for constant smirk on Brady's face. I mean, look at these guys!

While Peyton is making commercials that are funny and good for all people everywhere, Brady models as a side job and spends the rest of his time hanging around supermodels. Don't get me wrong, what he wants to do in the postseason is his choice, but don't tell me that he's helping the world with what he is doing. Peyton now has a children's hospital. Brady doesn't. 'Nuff said.

As for "gangsta" Moss, I'll give it to him, he has grown up since his days of "mooning" people as a rookie in Minnesota. However, people still are comparing him with Terrell Owens , so obviously he's not doing enough to steer away from the cocky, I-care-only-for-my-stats persona off the field. If you want to act like Ron Artest, by all means, please, play basketball. Nobody cares for basketball anymore, so please, head to courts.

As for the Patriots as an organization and Belichick himself, I enjoyed the way Jim Rome put it. I'm usually not a fan of Jim Rome and I know some people CAN'T STAND him, but I was watching these as I was waiting for the next play to show up on my play-by-play, and I was cracking up at his thoughts on "The Hoody" as he calls Belichick and the reasons he believes the Patriots are running up the score. I think he has a good point in that they are pounding teams mercilessly just to prove that they can and that they don't need to cheat to win . They screwed themselves earlier this year, and I think it's great that they go caught. It nearly nullifies the previous Super Bowl rings. So in lieu of fessing up to it, they are trying to prove it by beating the absolute begeeeezus out of everybody. You'll have to listen to his thoughts on A-Rod (which are pretty funny too), Joe Torre and Joe Girardi, or just click to the end where he talks about Belichick. Enjoy! GO COLTS!

Oh yeah, and since I really don't know anything about football and I just like to put my completely unwarranted, unfounded and worthless two cents into these subjects, I probably won't be doing anymore football posts unless it's a "GO COLTS" message or a congratulations or an I-feel-great-because-the-Colts-won message. Alright. Peace.

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