Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Wanna Win with Money?

This post is basically free advertising for Dave Ramsey and the Lampo Group, Inc. Dave Ramsey is an author and financial counselor, and sort of a career icon for me. His books "Financial Peace" and "The Total Money Makeover" are not only best-sellers, but are extremely helpful to hundreds of thousands of people all over the nation. His radio show is the #1 nationally syndicated radio show today, reaching around 2 million people weekly, maybe daily, I didn't hear it too closely. Anyway, I would love to work for Dave someday, and I have already implemented his plan for getting my finances on track. His plan is based on common sense and ridding yourself of your debt. If you are having troubles catching up financially or just are wanting to find a way to build wealth, please check out his site, maybe even read one of his books. I've listened to the audio book of "The Total Money Makeover" three times this year, and I'll start it again soon. It really gets me pumped up to get my money under control. Anyway, there's my plug for that. Thanks for listening.

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